Teaching History Through Song


“Tunes, lyrics, recordings, sheet music–all are components of popular songs, and all can serve as evidence of peoples, places, and attitudes of the past. Written by Ronald J. Walters and John Spitzer, Making Sense of American Popular Song provides a place for students and teachers to begin working with songs as a way of understanding the past.” Short essays that walk through useful questions for researching and analyzing song repertoires; includes model interpretations, further resources, and a bibliography. Published online 2003.

by: Ronald G Walters and John Spitzer

  • access here
  • keywords: tools for teaching and learning; research paper; popular music, living music, Western music; pedagogy; instructional design
  • Listing ID: 1934
  • Resource Type: Website
  • Geographic Area: multiple regions
  • Audience: any undergrad
  • Century: multiple centuries

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