The group shall be known as the Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society, a non-profit corporation.
The purpose of the Pedagogy Study Group shall be to foster discussion among members about issues related to teaching music history at all levels, to share resources and teaching strategies, and to provide a forum within the AMS for considering the role of teaching in our work as musicologists.
Membership in the Pedagogy Study Group will be open to any current member of the American Musicological Society who requests it, through attendance at the business meeting or other means. Membership shall not be restricted according to employment or student status.
- The officers of the Pedagogy Study Group shall be three (3): two Co-Chairs and secretary treasurer; additional officers may be created by amending the by-laws. Officers must be current members of the Pedagogy Study Group at the time of their election and must remain members throughout their terms as officers.
- The Co-Chairs shall act as the executive officers of the Pedagogy Study Group, presiding over all meetings of the members and having general management of the affairs of the Pedagogy Study Group, including the power to enforce all orders and resolutions passed by the members, and creating ad hoc committees as needed (per Article V.4). Other duties may from time to time be delegated to the Co-Chairs by standing or ad hoc committees.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes of the business meetings, and administer balloting and elections, and shall maintain records of all the funds of the Study Group. Other duties may be assigned to the Secretary by the Pedagogy Study Group or its constituent standing or ad hoc committees.
- Terms of Office. Officers shall serve two-year terms and are eligible for re-election once. The Co-Chairs’ terms shall be staggered. No individual may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
- Nominations and Elections. Elections will be held each year at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society.
- Nominations: The Secretary will accept nominations and self-nominations during a period starting two months before the Annual Meeting and ending two weeks before the beginning of the Annual Meeting. The slate of candidates created during this nomination period may be supplemented by nominations from the floor at the business meeting of the Pedagogy Study Group during the Annual Meeting of the Society, when voting will take place.
- Ballots and proxies: Written ballots may be cast in person at the business meeting, or ballots may be sent electronically to the Secretary; electronic ballots must reach the Secretary by midnight Monday of the week of the Annual Meeting. Members of the Pedagogy Study Group may also designate a proxy to vote on that member’s behalf during officer elections and any other matter that may arise during the business meeting; proxies must be delivered in writing to the Secretary at the beginning of the business meeting.
- Election: Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. At the beginning of the business meeting, the current Chair shall appoint a teller who, together with the Secretary, shall tally the election returns. Election results will be announced by the conclusion of the business meeting and posted on the PSG website within five days.
- Standing and ad-hoc committees of the Pedagogy Study Group may be created by a majority vote at the business meeting. Ad hoc committees may also be created by the Chair when a need arises between annual business meetings.
- Committees shall consist of no fewer than three members, and the terms of all committee members shall be one year. All committee terms shall begin and end at the annual business meeting. Committee members may serve up to three consecutive terms. The Chair shall appoint members of committees and shall serve as ex officio member of all committees.
- Standing Committees:
- Program Committee: The Program Committee will organize panels, sessions, and activities at the Annual AMS Meeting that serve and promote the interests of the members. Appointments to the Program Committee shall last for one (1) year and may be renewed two times. The Chair shall select one member to serve as Program Committee Chair.
- Teaching Music History Conference Committee: The Teaching Music History Conference (TMHC) Committee will organize panels, sessions, and activities at the annual Teaching Music History Conference, as described below. Appointments to the TMHC Committee shall last for one (1) year and may be renewed two times. The selection and terms of the committee members and chair are outlined below. The Chair shall select one member to serve as TMHC Program Committee Chair.
- PSG Website Committee: The PSG Website Committee will maintain, update, and curate a website for the Pedagogy Study Group. The PSG Website Committee will also coordinate with the Teaching Music History Conference Program Committee to maintain a website for the annual Teaching Music History Conference. Appointments to the PSG Website Committee shall last for one (1) year and may be renewed two times. The Chair shall select one member to serve as Website Committee Chair.
- Ad-Hoc Committees. Other committees may be organized to address specific needs of the Pedagogy Study Group. Ad-Hoc Committees shall dissolve after completing their mandate.
- Since 2007, the Pedagogy Study Group has sponsored the Teaching Music History Conference (TMHC).
- The Teaching Music History Conference shall occur annually at a time convenient for the Study Group and a given year’s host institution.
- The Teaching Music History Conference will be organized by the officers of the Study Group in coordination with a Local Arrangements Chair from a given year’s host institution and the Chair of the TMHC Program Committee, who may create ad-hoc committees as needed to coordinate local arrangements or to assist in any other manner.
- Each year’s Local Arrangements Chair will be solicited by the Chair of the Pedagogy Study Group. The following year’s Local Arrangements Chair will be selected not later than one week following the Teaching Music History Conference, and the term of the Local Arrangements Chair will run from that time through the next year’s Teaching Music History Conference.
- The Pedagogy Study Group will schedule a business meeting annually during the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. At least ten (10) members must be present at the meeting to constitute a quorum. At or prior to the business meeting the Chair shall present a report of the group’s activities to the members, and all officers and standing and ad-hoc committees shall present brief reports.
- The Program Committee shall plan a program of interest to the members for each Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society.
Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed to the Chair by any member, not later than two weeks before the beginning of the Annual Meeting of the Society. Proposed amendments shall be made known to the membership insofar as is possible before the business meeting of the Pedagogy Study Group; they shall be placed on the agenda of that meeting for discussion, possible revision, and a vote. Two-thirds of the ballots cast by the members present at the annual business meeting shall be required to approve an amendment.