Studies on a Global History of Music


“The idea of a global music history may be traced back to the Enlightenment, and today, the question of a conceptual framework for a history of music that pays due attention to global relationships in music is often raised. But how might a historical interpretation of those relationships proceed? How should it position, or justify, itself? What would ‘Western music’ look like in an account of music history that aspires to be truly global? The studies presented in this volume aim to promote post-European historical thinking. They are based on the idea that a global history of music cannot be one single, hegemonic history. They rather explore the paradigms and terminologies that might describe a history of many different voices. The chapters address historical practices and interpretations of music in different parts of the world, from Japan to Argentina and from Mexico to India. Many of these narratives are about relations between these cultures and the Western tradition; several also consider socio-political and historical circumstances that have affected music in the various regions. The book addresses aspects that Western musical historiography has tended to neglect even when looking at its own culture: performance, dance, nostalgia, topicality, enlightenment, the relationships between traditional, classical, and pop musics, and the regards croisés between European, Asian, or Latin American interpretations of each other’s musical traditions.” Published 2018. Not open source.

ed. Reinhard Strohm

  • publisher’s description
  • keywords: cultural context; global history; race studies; material culture; ethics; interdisciplinary; Western music; bibliography
  • Listing ID: 2044
  • Resource Type: Book/Text
  • Geographic Area: multiple regions
  • Audience: undergrad + grad

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