History of Music I Course Documents


History of Music I (MUS 213M) provides a survey of select musical repertories from about 600 CE to about 1730 CE, tracing the role of music in the shaping of European culture and its interactions with (and importantly, initial stages of colonization as well as enslavement of) other world cultures, exploring the ways in which broad cultural issues have reflected on musicians’ roles and choices.

In the Capstone Stages Assignment, students select, build critical commentary on, and perform (live or recorded) an excerpt from a work composed ca. 800-1750. The work does not need to be originally written for the student’s instrument, but they are responsible for working with the original score as well as any arrangement they choose, and the recorded performance must clearly “feature” their instrument or voice and their interpretation.

by: Andrew Dell’Antonio


  • Listing ID: 1987
  • Geographic Area: Europe
  • Audience: undergrad, major
  • Century: multiple centuries

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