Antiracist Medievalisms: From "Yellow Peril" to Black Lives Matter


“How do marginalized communities across the globe use the medieval past to combat racism, educate the public, and create a just world? Jonathan Hsy advances urgent academic and public conversations about race and appropriations of the medieval past in popular culture and the arts. Examining poetry, fiction, journalism, and performances, Hsy shows how cultural icons such as Frederick Douglass, Wong Chin Foo, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and Sui Sin Far reinvented medieval traditions to promote social change. Contemporary Asian, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and multiracial artists embrace diverse pasts to build better futures.” Published April 2021. Not open source.

by: Jonathan Hsy

  • publisher’s description
  • keywords: Cultural context; global history; race studies; gender studies; interdisciplinary; early music; advocacy; social and racial justice work; antiracism; subject area materials
  • Listing ID: 2006
  • Resource Type: Book/Text
  • Geographic Area: multiple regions
  • Audience: undergrad + grad
  • Century: multiple centuries

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