CFP: AMS 2022 PSG Evening Panel

The Pedagogy Study Group seeks proposals for a multi-format session at the next annual meeting of the AMS in New Orleans, 10–13 November, 2022. We especially encourage proposals that address the intersection of disability and pedagogy. 

Examples of formats solicited for this session include but are not limited to: 1) formal papers; 2) demonstrations (for instance, using live performance in the music history classroom, etc.); 3) panel discussion-sessions; 4) lightning talks. Presentations may be proposed by an individual or group of individuals, and may be as brief as 20-30 minutes or as long as two hours.

Proposals for multi-format sessions should identify the participants, outline the intellectual content of the session, describe the structure of the session, and indicate the durations of the activities. The Pedagogy Study Group encourages panel organizers to bring together panelists with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Please send a proposal of no more than 500 words to Sara Haefeli ( by midnight PST on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Selected participants will be notified by March 8, 2022.