The following is a list of Pedagogy related sessions at AMS this year. We hope to see you there!
- Thursday, 11/9, 4:00-5:30pm
“Doing Musicology” with Primary Sources
(Reba Wissner, Matteo Margarotto, Dan Blim, Elizabeth Massey, Louis Epstein)
Grand Ballroom II - Thursday, 11/9, 8:00-10:00pm
Early Sacred/Liturgical Musics and Digital Humanities: Skills and Resources
AMS Skills and Resources for Early Musics Study Group
(Nicholas Bleish, Henry Drummond, Richard Haefer, Lucia Denk, Madeline Styskal, Dmitriy Stegall, James Cook, Gillian Gower, Adam Whittaker, Margot Fassler, Eleonora Celora, Ralph Corrigan, Addi Liu; chaired by Suzanna Feldkamp, Christina Kim)
Governor’s Sq. 14 - Friday, 11/10, 9:00-10:30am
Open Access Resources in the Music History Classroom and Beyond: A Roundtable Discussion
(Sara Jo Cohen, Daniel Barolsky, Charles Garrett, Esther Morgan-Ellis, Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Jane Palmquist; chaired by Trudi Wright)
Grand Ballroom II - Friday, 11/10, 10:45-12:15pm
Music Education and Cultural Identity in 19th-Century France
(Jack Blaszkiewicz, Katharine Ellis; chaired by Fabio Morabito)
Plaza Ballroom F - Friday, 11/10, 10:45-12:15pm
Workshop: Rethinking Aural Skills Through Backwards Design
(Timothy Chenette, Stacey Davis, Jenine Brown, Philip Duker, Daniel Stevens, Leigh Van Handel)
Silver - Friday, 11/10, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Pedagogy Study Group Business Meeting
AMS Pedagogy Study Group
Members of the Pedagogy Study Group will gather for their annual business meeting. We will discuss activities of the previous and upcoming years, share opportunities to get involved, and announce officers.
Plaza Ballroom F - Friday, 11/10, 4:00-5:30pm
Reframing the Music Theory Curriculum
(Sarah Louden, Paula Maust)
Vail - Friday, 11/10, 8:00pm-10:00pm
Student Engagement: Texts and Tools
AMS Pedagogy Study Group
(J. Peter Burkholder, Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Sara Haefeli, Esther M. Morgan-Ellis, Kristy Swift, Janice Dickensheets, Hayoung Heidi Lee; chaired by Sarah Waltz)
(see the Call for Papers)
Governor’s Sq. 16 - Saturday, 11/11, 12:30-2:00pm
Open Access Musicology
Meeting open to editors, authors, reviewers, instructors and everyone interested in becoming part of Open Access Musicology.
Columbine - Saturday, 11/11, 4:00-5:30pm
Histories of Pedagogy/Pedagogies of History
AMS Jazz and Improvisation Study Group
(Darren Mueller, Annie Booth, Jennifer Ye Ji Cho, Christi Jay Wells; chaired by Darren Mueller; Kenneth Prouty, discussant)
Plaza Ballroom E - Saturday 11/11, 8:00-10:00pm
Teaching Popular Music Studies: Pedagogy and Curriculum
AMS Popular Music Study Group
(Suzi Analogue, Brad Osborn, Jeremy Smith, Edwin Li, Ken Tianyuan Ge, Larissa A. Irizarry, chaired by Mikkel Vad, Amy Coddington)
Governor’s Sq. 14
And, stop by and say hi at the PSG table at the AMS-SMT Interest Group and Affiliates Fair on Thursday, 5:00-6:15 pm, South Convention Lobby!
See the 2023 Pedagogy Study Group Evening Session Call for Papers